ID: 6500/51
Blue Light of the Guard Tower
KR name: 수호탑의 푸른 빛
icon Quest
Region: Kamasylvia
Category: General Quest
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - I'm Doomed!
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - Ganelle and the Blue Stone
Next quest in the chain:
icon - A Hunter's Eye

Start NPC:
icon - Maery
End NPC:
icon - Arteedman

- Description:
Maery insists you to go take a look at the Guard Towers built using Lapis Lazuli with your own eyes. Observe the Guard Tower of Nature in Caduil Forest and Shady Tree Forest area, then report what you saw back to Arteedman.

Outsiders who are not able to communicate with the spirits
may have a hard time understanding the full potential of Lapis Lazuli.
Why don't you try observing the Guard Towers yourself?
You can find the towers all around the forest.
Nearby Caduil Forest and Shady Tree Forest is the Guard Tower of Nature.
If you take a look closely enough,
You will see how it utilizes the Lapis Lazuli.

Follow the road from Caduil Forest to Shady Tree Forest.
You will see how Lapis Lazuli is rejuvenating the forests.

Ah, you've brought me a lot of research to look at!
The power of the spirits!
I feel like I've met another roadblock, but it was a great help nevertheless.
Thank you.

Completion Target: Arteedman
- Observe the Lapis Lazuli embedded under the Guard Tower of Nature
Required actions:
  1. Get knowledge:
    icon - Blue Stone that Revived the Forest

- Contribution EXP (350)
Amity (20):
- Arteedman
- EXP (100)
Quest requirements
Required to open quests
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Anonymous 28-09-2017 03:01
Anonymous 29-09-2017 21:56
Just north from Caduil Forest node.
Spielkind 28-12-2017 04:20
I added 2 screenshots from German client, maybe it help some English speaking people too happy.gif
Ger: Schaut bei Screenshots für eine Anleitung.
Antihrest 18-03-2020 15:00
в картинках нарисованно где башня. Ставите отображение знаний о монстрах, чуть ниже чем место где расположен Лазуритовый камнекраб.
cheekiyaya 11-01-2024 21:03
You need to start with this quest below if you dont see any quest from NPC Maery. - The Unseen Ore @ NPC Arteedman. You'll then get to the quest chain that allows you to interact with that tower.

Quests that you'll need to complete in the chain :

The Unseen Ore
Hidden Power
Ganelle and the Blue Stone
Blue Light of the Guard Tower

While doing it you'll get this knowledge too : Fireless Forge

The tower you'll interact with isnt far from Atanis Pond NPC. Second purple looking tower from the right of the NPC with 3 large rocks close by. Costs 30 energy.

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Added by Spielkind (28-12-2017)
Added by Cheekiyaya (11-01-2024)
Added by Spielkind (28-12-2017)