ID: 5711/2
Valencian Elder Bookshelf
KR name: 발렌시아풍 딱총나무 책장
icon Quest
Region: Valencia
Category: General Quest
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - Pilgrim's Water Bowl
Next quest in the chain:
icon - Mediahn White Cedar Royal Dining Table

Start NPC:
icon - Xerxes
End NPC:
icon - Marzana

- Description:
Xerxes, a furniture dealer at Sand Grain Bazaar, asked you to deliver an Elder Bookshelf to Marzana at Ibellab Oasis.

Marzana, the head of the Lavania League, is addicted to reading.
I like reading too, so I got to chat with her a lot.
I heard she's staying in Ibellab Oasis for some trade route business,
and she's having trouble since she cannot store her books properly.
Please deliver this bookshelf to her.
She should be in a big barracks.
I can already picture Marzana being overjoyed. Quick, now!

Whenever Marzana visits this place, she makes sure to see me first.
Hope everything goes well with her...

A gift from Xerxes? Oh, it's a bookshelf.
I had trouble organizing my books... Tell her I loved it.

Completion Target: Marzana
- Deliver Valencian Elder Bookshelf to Marzana
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Marzana

- Contribution EXP (250)
Amity (250):
- Xerxes
- EXP (100)
Quest requirements
Accepted quest: icon - A Special Request
Finished quest: icon - A Special Request
Finished quest: icon - Truth Never Sinks
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Combat Killer 6-02-2018 10:01
Its automatic now i think, you dont need to buy the bookshelf anymore from NPC.
Accept and complete quest.
Anonymous 9-07-2016 15:24
I have put a photo of what amity order to do ^ click on Screenshots

"Volve" > "Za Harajid" > "Infinity" > "Atui Balacs" > "Aidja" > "Rafa" > "Tarek Yanzi" > "Elfa" = full amity gain

to fail is easy as ther are a lot of lower intrested nodes good luck xD

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Added by Evgen71 (10-07-2016)