Quest Region: All Category: General Quest Type: Family quest Level: 1 | |
First quest in the chain: - [Leveling Aid] Fughar's Aid Previous quest in the chain: - [Leveling Aid] Operation Monster Subjugation IV Next quest in the chain: - [Leveling Aid] PEN (V) Blackstar Weapon Show/hide full quest chain - [Leveling Aid] Fughar's Aid - [Leveling Aid] A New Ascent - [Leveling Aid] Operation Monster Subjugation I - [Leveling Aid] Operation Monster Subjugation II - [Leveling Aid] Operation Monster Subjugation III - [Leveling Aid] Operation Monster Subjugation IV - [Leveling Aid] Breaking Limits - [Leveling Aid] PEN (V) Blackstar Weapon - [Leveling Aid] TET (IV) Kharazad Accessory | |
Start NPC: - Fughar End NPC: - Fughar | |
- Description: Fughar reveals a secret held by the Crow Merchant Guild—a treasure of immeasurable worth. It is said to be the essence of countless adventures. Listen to Fughar for more. | |
Show/hide full quest's text There exists an item in the Crow Merchant Guild as coveted as it is elusive. Many yearn for it, yet few are deemed worthy. Through the trials of adventure, one accumulates wisdom, and sometimes, that wisdom crystallizes into a tangible form. Through the trials of adventure, one accumulates wisdom, and sometimes, that wisdom crystallizes into a tangible form. When the Essence of Ascent is bestowed upon Tuvala gear enhanced to PEN (V), a new level shall unfold. With the power of experience encapsulated within the essence, you shall shatter the boundaries of your gear, transcending its limits. | |
Quest complete conditions Completion Target: Fughar - Talk to Fughar - Talk to Fughar Required actions:
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Basic - Essence of Ascent - Weapon - Essence of Ascent - Accessory - Advice of Valks (+60) - Advice of Valks (+80) - Advice of Valks (+100) - Advice of Valks (+130) - Advice of Valks (+150) |