ID: 4541/1
The Helms' Attack and Defense
KR name: 투구족의 공격 방어
icon Quest
Region: Mediah
Category: General Quest
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

Next quest in the chain:
icon - Strike Fear into the Helms

Start NPC:
icon - Suna Lise
End NPC:
icon - Suna Lise

- Description:
Suna Lise grinds her teeth, sounding angry. She says she had to take over Barattan Lancer's duties while he's been working toward diplomacy between the Helms and the Humans. Suna Lise says she can't stand this and asked you to wipe out the Helms.

They say you shouldn't be prejudiced against savage species.
But they're diplomatic to our faces while invading behind our backs.
My anger rises. There are losses by the merchants and farmers,
but worst of all, there are innocent little kids!
I can't stand this.
I can't sit here and watch people getting hurt.

If talk doesn't resolve the problem...
we should dominate with power...

Well done. But this won't end at one go.
If you have time, come back tomorrow again.

- Contribution EXP (100)
Quest requirements
Finished quest: icon - Helm Habits

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