ID: 4540/1
An Eternal Flame
KR name: 꺼지지 않는 불꽃
icon Quest
Region: Mediah
Category: General Quest
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

Next quest in the chain:
icon - What in the World Happened at Lava Cave?

Start NPC:
icon - Hakan Derk
End NPC:
icon - Hakan Derk

- Description:
Hakan Derk said you need to prevent flame erupting from the lava. If you don't stop the erupting lava from escaping, it will flow backward and end up here. He said you need to pour water on it.

Huh, you're an adventurer? We're in trouble.
Lava is erupting more quickly and people are getting tired...
If you don't stop this, this place will be enveloped in flames.
We need to stop it. Can you please help?

Find the erupting flames in the cave and extinguish the fire!

Well done. You must be really frightened. Thank you.
If you don't mind, could you help out a bit here?

Completion Target: Hakan Derk
- Pour water on erupting flames
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Erupting Flames

- Contribution EXP (250)
Quest requirements
Finished quest: icon - Tinya's Trust
Required to open quests
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Anonymous 26-05-2016 02:18
This item is not where the quest autopath shows you it is, I did find it though (see screenshot)
Locket 10-05-2018 10:52

This movie shows how to find the correct spot ... just press R.
Combat Killer 19-05-2018 08:56
The screenshot shows you what type of object to look out for, but which one it is, it's RANDOM!

So you have to just run around to you find one that you can interact with.
Anonymous 20-04-2016 10:05
You don't need water tongue.gif you just have to find a red puddle and press your action button
Anonymous 5-10-2017 18:45
Só encostar na poça vermelha certa e apertar o 'r'. O jogo leva vc para o meio da mina, mas tem dessa poça em vários lugares. Não pense q vai precisar de água ou soltar aqueles jarros gigantes. Nada a ver.
Anonymous 10-12-2017 19:26
criei uma conta só pra dar like na sua resposta

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