ID: 4515/5
The Gloomy Ones
KR name: 음침한 녀석들
icon Quest
Region: All
Category: General Quest
Type: Family quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - The Three Blacksmiths
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - The Reclusive Blacksmith
Next quest in the chain:
icon - Dorin Morgrim

Start NPC:
Black Spirit
End NPC:
icon - Dorin Morgrim

- Description:
The Black Spirit said it is clear that Dorin Morgrim has lost his grip on reality, and that causing a ruckus might help him snap out of it. Defeat the Helms inside the Underground Cave.

How pathetic! Seems like Lancer was right. Hehe.
So rather than face humiliation, Dorin decides to run away, deep into some cave full of dark energy.
He clearly couldn't resist the dark energy and has gone totally mad! Hehe!
I suppose you want to do the boring, honorable thing and help him get back on his feet?...
As long as it involves killing things, I'm game!
Hehe! Time to do what we do best!
We haven't had the chance to give those Helms a proper greeting.
Maybe the noise might knock some sense back into Dorin! Hehe.

You know what we have to do!
Kill some Helms, make some noise, and knock some sense back into this guy!

*Coughs violently* My head...
What's all that noise out there!

Completion Target: Dorin Morgrim
- Defeat Helm Devourers
- Defeat Helm Destroyers
- Defeat Helm Raid Captains
- Defeat Helm Two-Axe Warriors
Required actions:
  1. Kill monsters (8):
    icon - Helm Devourer
  2. Kill monsters (5):
    icon - Helm Destroyer
  3. Kill monsters (10):
    icon - Helm Raid Captain
  4. Kill monsters (6):
    icon - Helm Two-Axe Warrior

- Contribution EXP (50)
- EXP (100)
Quest requirements
Finished quest: icon - The Reclusive Blacksmith
Required to open quests

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