Quest Region: All Category: General Quest Type: Character quest Level: 1 | |
First quest in the chain: - [Gathering] Cover for a Stupid Goblin Previous quest in the chain: - Report to Basquean Ljurik Next quest in the chain: - [Daily] Unfinished Business #Serendia Shrine Show/hide full quest chain - [Gathering] Cover for a Stupid Goblin - [Gathering] Where are Fire Flake Flowers? - [Processing] A Cow that Drinks Only Clean Water - [Gathering] Energizing Mushrooms - [Gathering] Good Quality Silver Azalea - Ominous Information - Something Beedle Knows - The Token of a Curse... - What Tobare Discovered - Report to Basquean Ljurik - [Daily] Unfinished Business #Cron Castle - [Daily] Unfinished Business #Serendia Shrine - [Daily] Unfinished Business #Calpheon Shrine - [Daily] Unfinished Business #Shadow Knights - [EXC] Ring of Concentrated Magical Power Exchange 4/4 - [EXC] Earring of Concentrated Magical Power 4/4 - [EXC] Ring of Sealed Magical Power 5/5 - [EXC] Earring of Sealed Magical Power 5/5 | |
Start NPC: - Basquean Ljurik End NPC: - Basquean Ljurik | |
- Description: Basquean Ljurik asked you to collect Token of Promise to stop the Advent of Kzarka. ※ This is a daily quest that resets at midnight (server time) every day. | |
Show/hide full quest's text Thanks for coming. It's really good to see you. You're doing good work, so please don't look so down. If you bring me 5 more tokens, I'll give you a better accessory. But you have to return the accessory I gave you. What do you mean why? It's expensive... I've told you before, there are a lot of adventurers who want to do this. Well, well! Off you go! It's too much work. Do it only once a day. Well done. You don't have to worry about theft, so please keep the tokens for a while. I'll deal with them once when it's ready. | |
Quest complete conditions Completion Target: Basquean Ljurik - Defeat Cron Castle Rebels Required actions:
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Basic - Token of Promise |