ID: 3446/3
Just One Smack!
icon Quest
Region: All
Category: General Quest
Type: Family quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - The Well-Spoken Slum Child
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - The Shameless Child
Next quest in the chain:
icon - Soft Bread and Milk Tea Go Hand in Hand

Start NPC:
icon - Shady Slum Child
End NPC:
icon - Shady Slum Child

- Description:
You want to smack that kid in his noggin real good, but as the more mature individual, let's fetch him that Smooth Milk Tea he craves.

Did you think I'd drink such filth?
I suddenly recall why I let you go!
Ptooey! Blergh!
If you ever wish to be un-fired as my servant,
fetch me a glass of
smooth milk tea, this instant!

Must I slow it down for you, peasant?
Fetch. Me. Smooth. Milk. Tea. NOW!

Mmm... Ah yes, that does it.
Right, you were always so talented with brewing milk tea.

Completion Target: Shady Slum Child
- Fetch some Smooth Milk Tea
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Shady Slum Child
    Accepted quest Just One Smack!
    Have item:
    - Smooth Milk Tea x 1
    Meet NPC: Shady Slum Child
    Accepted quest Just One Smack!
    Have item:
    - Smooth Milk Tea x 1
Quest requirements
Level: 11+
Finished quest: icon - The Shameless Child
Required to open quests

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