ID: 3441/35
[Blackstar Sub-weapon] Specter's Energy
icon Quest
Region: All
Category: Quest: Content
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - [Blackstar Sub-weapon] Remnants of the Rift
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - [Blackstar Sub-weapon] To Tarif
Next quest in the chain:
icon - [Blackstar Sub-weapon] All About Blackstar

Start NPC:
icon - Dorin Morgrim
End NPC:
icon - Dorin Morgrim

- Description:
Dorin Morgrim said he needs Specter's Energy to make a Blackstar Sub-weapon using the Blackstar Sub-weapon Piece. Find and hand over the Specter's Energy to Dorin Morgrim.

※ Specter's Energy is rare, but it can be found all over the world.

Ugh... At this rate, I'll only craft another piece of junk!
I've heard tales of a special kind of sub-weapon.
If one takes the unstable, corrupt energies in the world
and forges them with the dark power of the Blackstar...
All creatures, even those from the depths of hell,
will flee in fright at this sub-weapon's aura alone.
But I've never crafted a sub-weapon that contains Specter's Energy and the Blackstar's power before...
If I do, it'll be the first of its kind on the entire continent!

Have... have you found the Specter's Energy?

Alas... It is the Specter's Energy.
At last... I can get my hands on a sub-weapon created from the Blackstar and Specter's Energy...

Completion Target: Dorin Morgrim
- Hand over the Specter's Energy to Dorin Morgrim
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Dorin Morgrim
    Accepted quest [Blackstar Sub-weapon] Specter's Energy
    Meet NPC: Dorin Morgrim
    Accepted quest [Blackstar Sub-weapon] Specter's Energy

- EXP (100)

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