ID: 3430/5
[Altar of Blood] The Long Road Back...
KR name: [피의 제단] 다시 먼길을...
icon Quest
Region: All
Category: Quest: Content
Type: Family quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - [Altar of Blood] Yaz and the Mountain of Sanctity
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - [Altar of Blood] Gem of Balance
Next quest in the chain:
icon - [Altar of Blood] Secret Chamber of Hasrah

Start NPC:
Black Spirit
End NPC:
icon - Yaz

- Description:
Black Spirit was upset at Edan. Find a way to get the Gem of Balance and bring it to Yaz.

Edan refused to give us the gem. Who does he think he is? Hehe.
I wonder if he realizes how far we traveled to get here.
We can't call it quits like this. Find another way!
Why don't you cry and beg him to give you the gem? Of course, you'll do the begging. Hehe.
※ You must have the Gem of Balance before
you return to Mountain of Sanctity.

We can't call it quits like this. Find another way!
Why don't you cry and beg him to give you the gem? Of course, you'll do the begging. Hehe.

According to the journal we found
and the direction the Gem of Balance is pointing...
the entrance is over there! Whose journal is it?
Orwen found out!
{ChangeScene(Yaman_Oren) This was the home of Caphras, the alchemist.
Yaz... I think it'd be best if you stop now.
{ChangeScene(Yaman_Oren) "The soul of the tainted before being consumed by darkness..."
This is a dangerous place if what is written on the journal is true.
{ChangeScene(Yaman_Oren) Only those that exchange their soul can enter this place...
Since we have the Gem of Balance, we won't have to do that...

Completion Target: Yaz
- Get the Gem of Balance from Edan and bring it to Yaz at Mountain of Sanctity
Required actions:
  1. Give item:
    - Gem of Balance (1) NPC: icon - Yaz

- Contribution EXP (400)
- Caphras' Old Journal #3
- EXP (100)
Quest requirements
Level: 100+
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borjagarciab 18-04-2020 02:55
1. Busca a edan (Buscalo aquí )
2.Acepta la misión que tiene de matar a 300 bichos, así obtendrás la gema.
3.Ve a la montaña a entregar la gema.
4. GG go next xD.
Simkiller 8-08-2019 08:56
Where is Edan? I am having difficulty find them.
akashdv67 13-08-2019 19:50
he is at the entrance of hasrah ruins if u did the yaz and sanctity quest from black spirit.
Simkiller 13-08-2019 20:07
Thank you!
juninxrox 29-02-2020 21:15
Na entrada das Ruínas antigas de Hasrah tem o Edan, só pegar a missão dele e matar 300 mobs, ele vai te dar o item para entregar para a Yaz.

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