ID: 3427/3
Let's Sing the Army Song
KR name: 군가는 제대로 부르자
icon Quest
Region: Northern Calpheon
Category: General Quest
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - Military Discipline
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - Don't Doze Off!
Next quest in the chain:
icon - Selfishness is Strictly Forbidden

Start NPC:
icon - Soldier
End NPC:
icon - Sergeant

- Description:
Teach the army song to the soldiers who are singing it all wrong.

If you look over there, the soldiers are singing the army song all wrong!
They're the ones who need scolding, not me!

Hmm.. I promise I don't doze off, so you can leave now.
But please don't tell Officer Beckus!

Hmm, okay. To be honest, it was so boring here
I was just trying to give my comrades a laugh.
If you keep this a secret, I'll tell you someone who is even worse.
He'll make you infuriated!

Completion Target: Soldier
- Point out the mistakes in the army song
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Sergeant
    Accepted quest Let's Sing the Army Song
    Meet NPC: Sergeant
    Accepted quest Let's Sing the Army Song

- Contribution EXP (50)
- EXP (100)
Quest requirements
Level: 56+
Finished quest: icon - Don't Doze Off!
Required to open quests

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