ID: 3414/2
Lack of Medicine
KR name: 치료제 부족
icon Quest
Region: Northern Calpheon
Category: General Quest
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - The Cure
Next quest in the chain:
icon - Box for to Carry Medicine

Start NPC:
icon - Elionian Priestess
End NPC:
icon - Elionian Priestess

- Description:
The Elionian Priest said that there is not enough medicine to go around for the villagers, newcomers, and people at the farm.

I gave you some of the medicine we have,
but to be honest there's not enough medicine to go around for everyone.
We need medicine for the newcomers who arrive here constantly,
for those who were already here, and also for the villagers at the farm.
It'll be a while until the next delivery of supplies arrives
so we have decided that we need to find a way to somehow double the amount.
The medicine might be less effective since it will be diluted, but it'll be better than nothing.
We have some ingredients that we need in order to do so.
That's where you come in.
Could you bring us some clean uncontaminated water and silver azalea?
It won't be an easy task, but it's to save people's lives.

Diluted medicine is better than no medicine,
wouldn't you say?

Player, you're an amazing person.
You must be sent by Elion..!

Completion Target: Elionian Priest
- Obtain clean water
- Obtain Silver Azalea
- Hand over clean uncontaminated water to the Elionian Priest at the Supply Port
- Hand over Silver Azalea to the Elionian Priest at the Supply Port
Required actions:
  1. Obtain item:
    - Purified Water (10)
  2. Obtain item:
    - Silver Azalea (4)
  3. Give item:
    - Purified Water (10) NPC: icon - Elionian Priestess
  4. Give item:
    - Silver Azalea (4) NPC: icon - Elionian Priestess

- Contribution EXP (150)
- EXP (100)
Quest requirements
Finished quest: icon - The Cure
Required to open quests
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Carlosrspaint 28-02-2023 01:44
Colete 10 garrafas de água e depois aperte o "L" no seu teclado e faça filtragem de todas. Colete 10 azaléias de prata. junta tudo e leva para o arrombado que não explica como fazer a quest e ninguém liga em fazer também. Assim você irá completar a quest. Feito por "Rhanters BDO SA"

Recoge 10 botellas de agua y luego presiona "L" en tu teclado y fíltralas todas. Consigue 10 azaleas plateadas. arma todo y llévalo al robo que no explica cómo hacer la búsqueda y a nadie le importa hacerlo tampoco. De esta manera completarás la misión. Por "Rhanters BDO SA"

Collect 10 bottles of water and then press "L" on your keyboard and filter them all. Collect 10 Silver Azaleas. put everything together and take it to the break-in who doesn't explain how to do the quest and nobody cares about doing it either. This way you will complete the quest. By "Rhanters BDO SA"
Keicca 20-08-2023 14:04
Man muss das Wasser sammeln und auch die Silberazalee, erst nachdem ihr beides gesammelt habt, könnt Ihr die Quest erfolgreich abschließen.
Shafara 19-11-2023 16:32
Water = Just filter some river or bag of muddy water to get 'clean water' in processing.

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