ID: 3400/23
[Star's End] Breath of the Ashen Dead
KR name: [별무덤] 잿빛 망자의 숨결
icon Quest
Region: Northern Calpheon
Category: Main Story
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - [Star's End] A Small Gift of Appreciation
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - [Star's End] Star's End, Tangled Fate
Next quest in the chain:
icon - [Star's End] Recovered Formula

Start NPC:
Black Spirit
End NPC:
icon - Altar of Light

- Description:
The Black Spirit wants to obtain the Breath of the Dead from the Ashen Ghost in Kamasylvia to break Ahib's seal and find the incomplete Ashen Plague Bomb.

※ Note that the Ghost of Ash Forest does not respawn for a while once disappeared.

Hehe, what a mess! See, I was right!
The Humans were planning to secretly take it away all along.
All it took was a little seed of distrust and they started fighting each other!
Time to enjoy our handiwork from afar!

The Blackstar's might is inconceivable!
It even changed the very constitution of the Kamasylvian spirits!

The Breath of the Dead melts away the invisible Ahib seal,
revealing the incomplete Ashen Plague Bomb.

Completion Target: Altar of Light
- Defeat the Ghost of Ash Forest
- Offer up the Breath of the Dead to the Altar of Light
Required actions:
  1. Kill monsters (1):
    icon - Ghost of Ash Forest
  2. Meet NPC: Altar of Light
    Accepted quest [Star's End] Breath of the Ashen Dead
    Meet NPC: Altar of Light
    Accepted quest [Star's End] Breath of the Ashen Dead

- Contribution EXP (300)
- Ashen Plague Bomb of Light
- The Eternal Loop of the Blackstar
Quest requirements
Required to open quests
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NonyaBidness 5-09-2022 05:57
You get this from the Ghost of Ash forest over by the Ash Forest node. Ghost of Ash Forest
Muraias 30-10-2022 04:02
Призраки просто пропадают при приближении к нимsad.gif
Don_Kali 4-10-2022 16:48
Try those spawns if you cannot find him
akawade 23-01-2023 02:13
the ghost disappeared when approached them. help!
paulohrode 4-02-2023 01:41
Para quem está com dificuldade de achar, não se baseie pelo seu mini mapa, as vezes mais atrapalha do que ajuda. Estava com o problema de olhar no mini mapa, e quando chegava perto ele simplesmente sumia. Olhe no mini mapa mas também olhe adiante, as vezes só aparece a sombra dele porém não constará no mini mapa. Quando parei de só procurar no mini mapa, consegui encontrar mais vezes ele, e são estes que você vê que não estão no mini mapa que não somem e você consegue matar.
Obs.: passei diversas vezes pelos lugares que já tinha passado, não vá com a ideia de que só porque já foi ali e não tinha nada antes, não terá agora. Fique andando por tudo repetidamente

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