ID: 31014/6
Caphras: Book of Immortality
KR name: 카프라스 : 불멸의 고서
icon Quest
Region: All
Category: Black Spirit
Type: Family quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - Remnants of Someone
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - Caphras' Lady
Next quest in the chain:
icon - Caphras: The Life of Light and Shadow

Start NPC:
Black Spirit
End NPC:
Black Spirit

- Description:
The Black Spirit says the leaf given by Diega and the book are reacting to each other. Let's give Caphras' Journal and Caphras Leaf to the Black Spirit.

Hehe, Caphras is just as weird as you are.
By the way, that leaf... It seems strange, doesn't it?
It looks like it's reacting to that book you got.
The leaf keeps moving, see? Just now! What? You think I'm seeing this?
Anyone with two working eyes can see it's shaking towards the book!
Ugh, you fool! Give it to me!

Let's put the leaf in the book!
Wonder what's going to happen. Hehe.

Ooh, check this out.
I slipped the leaf between the pages of the journal,
and it withered away! Hehehe.
See? I told you something was off.
Huh? There's some... strange light coming from the journal?
What the... what's this?

Completion Target: Black Spirit
- Hand Caphras' Journal to the Black Spirit
- Hand Caphras Leaf to the Black Spirit
Required actions:

  1. Conditions:
    Accepted quest Caphras: Book of Immortality
    Have item:
    - Caphras' Journal x 1

    Accepted quest Caphras: Book of Immortality
    Have item:
    - Caphras' Journal x 1

  2. Conditions:
    Accepted quest Caphras: Book of Immortality
    Have item:
    - Caphras Leaf x 1

    Accepted quest Caphras: Book of Immortality
    Have item:
    - Caphras Leaf x 1

- Caphras - Journal of Light and Shadow
Quest requirements
Finished quest: icon - A Life-or-Death Escape
Finished quest: icon - Back Again
Finished quest: icon - Cron Castle Explosion
Finished quest: icon - Forgotten by All
Finished quest: icon - Plucked from the Water
Required to open quests
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anatolgol 30-10-2020 12:28
Нужен Дневник Кафраса, который получается по основной цепочке заданий Одиллиты
OOWyvernOO 7-12-2020 18:49
Translated: "You need Caphras's Diary, which is obtained from the main quest chain of Odillita"
I was able to get the items by:
1) forfeit the quest
2) chat with the black spirit to get the items you need
3) re-accept the quest and deliver the items
Frank92 29-10-2022 02:58
Worked for me!
legendaryn 21-07-2022 19:29
In order to take this quset, you should complete all the tasks from Book 3 of Caphras' Record in Adventure Log Bookshelf.
geegee 8-03-2025 21:40
As of 03/2025 you need Caphra's Journal in your inventory (if you lost it you can chat with the black spirit to get another one). You also need to complete some Adventure Log Bookshelf chapters; hover over 'Quest requirements' elements in this page to see which books and chapters.

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