ID: 31010/1
Crow Merchants' Records - Reading Season
KR name: 모험일지 : 독서의 계절
icon Quest
Region: All
Category: Black Spirit
Type: Family quest
Level: 1

Start NPC:
Black Spirit
End NPC:
icon - Pavino Greko

- Description:
Epheria's Storage Keeper, Pavino Greko, has been very active not only as the Storage Keeper but also as a novelist. Let's read one of his recommended books for fun.

What's bothering you?
Why the long face?
I too feel a bit restless and under the weather.
Shall we trek over to Epheria?
Why Epheria all of sudden?
You remember Pavino Greko, don't you?
That bluffing storage keeper writer guy.
Yeah, I hear that guy has recently written some entertaining books.
It's been a while, but for a change of pace,
why not get yourself lost in a nice book in a quiet port village? Hehe.

Hehe, of course they're not your average books...
What do I mean? Why don't we go and find out.

Oh, who might this be?
Player, is it not? How have you been?
You came just at the right moment. I've amassed quite the collection of rare books,
which I've been wanting to recommend to intellectual adventurers like yourself...
Books contain dreams, passion, and experience within their pages.
I'm sure they will be of great use for your adventures!

Completion Target: Pavino Greko
- Talk to Pavino Greko
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Pavino Greko

- Contribution EXP (100)
Quest requirements
Level: 100+

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