ID: 2024/3
Reporting to Cruhorn Wyrmsbane
KR name: Reporting to Cruhorn Wyrmsbane
icon Quest
Group: Shadow Knights
Region: All
Category: General Quest
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - Lost Hand Mirror
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - Investigating the Watchtower Underground

Start NPC:
icon - Xaviero Vitello
End NPC:
icon - Cruhorn Wyrmsbane

- Description:
Report to Cruhorn Wyrmsbane in Heidel about what has happened so far.

You should report to Cruhorn Wyrmsbane in Heidel
about what has happened so far.
We're in a dire situation, so he'll give us advice.
It's all because Cliff isn't in Heidel.

Red Orcs were not the problem...

You've come a long way.
How was living with Xaviero Vitello?
Hmm... Shadow Knights in the Watchtower Underground?!
I see... That must have been hard. Good work.

Completion Target: Cruhorn Wyrmsbane
- Report to Cruhorn Wyrmsbane
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Cruhorn Wyrmsbane

- Contribution EXP (50)
- HP Potion (Medium)
- MP Potion (Medium)
Quest requirements
Level: 100+

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