Quest Region: All Category: Event Type: Family quest Level: 1 Repeat: 1d | |
First quest in the chain: - [Event] Royal Fern Root x100 Previous quest in the chain: - [Event] Mythical Feather x2 Next quest in the chain: - [Event] Gula's Courser Training Selection Box Show/hide full quest chain | |
Start NPC: - Liana End NPC: - Liana | |
- Description: Liana declares she has a special request from the Stonetail Horse Club. If you tame a wild horse and return to her, she says she'll reward your efforts with a special seal. Capture a horse, then speak to Liana. ※ This quest is available once a day per Family. | |
Show/hide full quest's text Adventurer! I think I bear some news you might be most interested in! The Stonetail Horse Club is in dire need of horses for the Grand Prix horse races, and they've asked me to help them out! Go tame a wild horse and return to me. I'll reward you with a special seal if you do! Go tame a wild horse and return to me. I'll reward you with a special seal if you do! Wow, thank you so much! Here's a special gift from the Stonetail Horse Club! Apparently it's a seal given to their best trainers who tame horses with ease... or so they say! | |
Quest complete conditions Completion Target: Liana - Tame a Wild Horse Required actions:
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Basic - [Event] Shining Capture Seal |