ID: 11302/2
[Event] A Gift from a Stranger
KR name: [Event] A Gift from a Stranger
icon Quest
Region: All
Category: Event
Type: Family quest
Level: 1

Start NPC:
icon - Basquean Ljurik
End NPC:
icon - Basquean Ljurik

- Description:
Basquean Ljurik said that someone requested he give you something, hence his frustration at not being able to find you and give it. He said he'll have it ready for you if you can wait a little. Speak to him again shortly.

Ah, you're here at last. Marvelous.
You've no idea of the trouble I've gone through trying to locate you.
I've an item about my person that
someone request I give to you.
They kept insisting it was an item of the utmost
importance, hence my keen efforts to find you.
I must admit those efforts to find you have not
been without their inconveniences though!
But you're here now, so pray wait a moment
while I bring you the item entrusted to me.

Pray wait a moment while I bring
you the item entrusted to me.

Here you go. And here it is, safe and sound.
And as it should be. It was entrusted to me, after all.
Well, he asked that I see you receive it.
But I do wonder at the identity of he who gave it me.
Hmm... 'Twould see you are as much in the dark as I am.
Whatever his motives, I agreed and have thus fulfilled my part.

Completion Target: Basquean Ljurik
- Talk again to Basquean Ljurik
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Basquean Ljurik

- J's Special Box
- J's Special Box
- Loyalties
Quest requirements
Finished quest: icon -
Level: 50+
Time period: 2022/03/26-18:00 - 2022/04/27-09:00
Finished quest: icon -
Level: 50+
Time period: 2022/03/26-12:00 - 2022/04/27-10:00
Finished quest: icon -
Level: 50+
Time period: 2022/03/26-17:00 - 2022/04/27-04:00
Finished quest: icon -
Level: 50+
Time period: 2022/03/26-09:00 - 2022/04/27-09:00
Finished quest: icon -
Level: 50+
Time period: 2022/03/26-06:00 - 2022/04/27-04:00
Finished quest: icon -
Level: 50+
Time period: 2022/03/26-16:00 - 2022/04/27-05:00
Finished quest: icon -
Level: 50+
Time period: 2022/03/26-17:00 - 2022/04/27-07:00
Finished quest: icon -
Level: 50+
Time period: 2022/03/26-12:00 - 2022/04/27-04:00
Finished quest: icon -
Level: 50+
Time period: 2022/03/26-18:00 - 2022/04/27-06:00

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