Quest Region: Eastern Balenos Category: Life Type: Character quest Level: 1 |
First quest in the chain: - [Gathering Basics] Introduction to Processing Previous quest in the chain: - [Gathering Basics] Mining Stone Next quest in the chain: - [Gathering Basics] Supporting the Western Guard Camp
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Start NPC:
- Vongole End NPC:
- Vongole |
- Description: Vongole asks you to get Iron Ore. 1. Equip a Pickaxe 2. Find Feldspar and start Mining (press (Interaction)) 3. Get 1 Iron Ore 4. Bring the Iron Ore to Vongole.
※ Iron Ore can be obtained at a low rate from mining Feldspar near Loggia Farm - Agris Steppe. ※ If a stone is in Waiting Time (if other players already mined it), the interaction will not be activated, so please find another stone. |
Show/hide full quest's text Please... please help me. I couldn't finish my job, because I choked on Corn Flour... If you could get me an Iron Ore, I will give you... Gathering Clothes. If you wear these clothes... your gathering will become easier.
If you do good deeds... Good things will happen.
Goblins keep promises... Here are the clothes. I'm... I'm fine. |
Quest complete conditions Completion Target: Vongole - Bring Iron Ore to Vongole
Required actions: - Give item:
- Iron Ore (1)
Basic - Contribution EXP (140) - Gathering EXP - Recover 5 Energy - Apprentice Gatherer's Uniform - Gold Bar 1G Amity (20): - Vongole |