ID: 1068/2
Hunting-Loving Hunter
KR name: 사냥에 푹 빠진 사냥꾼
icon Quest
Region: Eastern Balenos
Category: General Quest
Type: Family quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - Shoot and Help
Next quest in the chain:
icon - Brothers at Lake Kaia

Start NPC:
icon - Daphne DelLucci
End NPC:
icon - Chuck Laurie

- Description:
Daphne from DelLucci Farm asked you to find Chuck Laurie, who might have gotten lost somewhere in the Balenos Mountains.

One of my relatives has fallen in love with hunting lately.
Name's Chuck. He's quite sensitive, unfitting to his appearance.
I heard he's into some sort of deer hunting, and he's not coming home at all.
Aunt Laura has a lot to worry about 'cause of him.
A passing adventurer did say that she saw a big hunter guy
in Balenos mountains, though... Can you maybe look for him?

You're still looking for it? Oh my...
Maybe someone in Velia Inn knows about it.

Daphne? Ha, never thought she'd be useful in hunting, but she was.
Good timing. I was just in need of help.

Completion Target: Chuck Laurie
- Ask about the Big Hunter Guy at Velia Inn
- Meet Chuck Laurie somewhere in the Balenos Mountains
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Black-Robed Man
  2. Meet NPC: Chuck Laurie

- Contribution EXP (60)
Quest requirements
Finished quest: icon - Shoot and Help
Required to open quests
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Anonymous 13-07-2016 02:56
Talk with the Black-Robed Man at the Inn in Velia. He will guide you to Chuck Laurie. happy.gif
Anonymous 30-06-2016 23:31
in the taverne it's the man in black
Anonymous 24-03-2017 10:12
Offers daily hunting deer quest.

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Added by Kinkaid (8-09-2016)
Added by Pantsudesu (24-03-2017)
Added by Kinkaid (8-09-2016)