ID: 1039/1
Complaint Registered
KR name: Complaint Registered
icon Quest
Region: All
Category: General Quest
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

Next quest in the chain:
icon - Quality Guaranteed

Start NPC:
icon - Igor Bartali
End NPC:
icon - Santo Manzi

- Description:
Severo Loggia at Loggia Farm is dissatisfied with Santo Manzi's workers. See Santo Manzi and find out the reason.

I was wondering, and you came at the right time!
Have you been to Loggia Farm?
Severo, the owner, is full of complaints today.
He says Santo Manzi fooled him.
Santo Manzi is not a kind person, but he is not a liar either.
I'm worried that the gap between them might get wider.
Can you see Santo Manzi and listen to his story?
And then go see Severo to resolve their argument.

Santo Manzi oversees workers at his office, right next to this building.

Huh. Did Severo Loggia say so?

Completion Target: Santo Manzi
- Ask Santo Manzi about Severo Loggia
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Santo Manzi

- Contribution EXP (50)
- Recover 2 Energy
Quest requirements
Level: 100+
Only for the characters with even index number in your game account. Index number is NOT a character slot, but a counter of a characters you've created, including deleted ones.
Not accepted quest: icon - [Gathering Basics] Introduction to Processing
Required to open quests
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Anonymous 19-09-2016 15:12
I have all of the quest requirements but this quest isn't showing up for me. Anyone know what the requirements for this quest are that are not listed here? (currently listed requirements are not done [gathering] introduction to production quest, at least level 0, and even index number.

Amended 12-10-2016: I've tried 7 other characters now following the requirements of this page and still have not gotten this quest. Something must be wrong here.
Kiriak 20-09-2016 04:16
This "character index number" requirement is quite confusing one. Some people reported that even with correct (by their measurements) index they could not get the quest. However they tried with another character and got it. I can only advise you to try with another character. Maybe make a new one.
Anonymous 25-09-2016 19:13
I know I have the correct index number because the Captured Ogre quest is available to me and it also requires an even index number. So, unless the listed requirement is incorrect and the quest requires an odd number, the index number should not be the problem here.

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