ID: 1011/2
Velia and the Ancient Legend
KR name: 고대인의 전설과 벨리아 마을
icon Quest
Group: The Awakened Ones
Region: Eastern Balenos
Category: General Quest
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - The Awakened Ones

Start NPC:
icon - Alustin
End NPC:
icon - Igor Bartali

- Description:
Alustin suggests meeting the Chief of Velia instead of studying the ancient legends.

So you've already been to the west...
The Ancient Stone Chamber...
I heard something about Jarette, the daughter of the Lord of Heidel, leading a research group in the ruins... I guess it's true.
Well, it is good to see you adapting well to this town.
While you're here, get advice from Chief Igor Bartali.
I will help you as well, but the Chief will give you helpful advice from the heart.

Igor Bartali...
He is too great to be in this town.

How was the Western Camp?
Many young men from this town were deployed to the base.
I remember Constant, who was always nice to his parents.
Luke is there too, right? I should visit there some day.

Completion Target: Igor Bartali
- Talk to Igor Bartali
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Igor Bartali

- Contribution EXP (50)
- Recover 2 Energy
- EXP (100)
Quest requirements
Finished quest: icon - The Awakened Ones
Required to open quests

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