ID: 44030/1
Maudi Budar
Level: 99

HP: 10,000
MP: 1
Horoscope: Key
sympathy Interest Level: 36 ~ 57
sympathy Favor: 21 ~ 27

History II (0/4)
History II (0/4)
History II (0/4)
- Description:
Maudi Budar is a seasoned adventurer who has a very keen interest in history. His past journeys were generally focused on finding hidden ruins or lost history records.

Though he traveled around regularly in the past he spent more time in Valencia than anywhere else. He lent his expertise on that kingdom to Neruda Shen when he was in negotiations with Calpheon and Valencia during their war. He used to travel back and forth to Valencia regularly, but has stayed within Mediah for the past decade and spends much of his time writing.
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Anonymous 21-01-2017 02:43
The highest knowledge Interest you have is 25 and many a lot lower. His Interest ranges between 36 - 51. Seems pointless and few combo effects even to try that. May as well just state us Greetings to gain Amity.
Anonymous 7-09-2017 15:10
Tried to do conversations with him myself, no matter what combination you use, you'll have a really hard time due to his interest level requirement. It's likely better to just wave on this NPC.
Anonymous 18-04-2017 01:16
Try to get 20 amity with each conversation. Took ~40 energie instead of 250.
vianori 17-07-2024 04:56
Уже есть комментарии о том что его интерес к знаниям очень низкий, и это почти всегда 50/50 рандом, но
я попробовал просто рандомные максимально интересующие его знания и за 3 этапа получил +40
вы можете закидывать точно такие же знания, но это не идеальная связка или что-то вроде того, просто 50/50 шанс что вы получите очки дружбы больше чем за приветствие

Черная энергия и древняя цивилизация
23 древних свитка
Легенда об Идане
Свиток Карпиан
ARIMOSH 1-01-2025 20:25
Maudi Budar Knowledge

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