ID: 43312
Level: 99

HP: 10,000
MP: 1
Defense (DP): 2
Evasion: 1
Damage Reduction: 1
Horoscope: Elephant
sympathy Interest Level: 14 ~ 62
sympathy Favor: 14 ~ 56

Theology I (0/5)
Saunils (0/5)
Calpheon City Adventure Log I (0/5)
- Description:
Mayeri, a Rhutum, is good with money. He had his eyes on obtaining Treant Timber ever since he moved to Trent.

He eventually found out how to kill Treants effectively using Ogres. His motto is, "If it's hard to open, break in!"

Some say it is too cruel to cut down Treants, the spirits of the forest. But Mayeri does not seem to care too much about that kind of thing.
Gives knowledge on discovery:
- Mayeri
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Anonymous 8-08-2016 13:51
Anyone has an amity guide for this guy?
Anonymous 4-11-2016 05:34
1. Birth of Faith
2. Dragon Watcher
3. Bell Ringing from the City
4. Evil Gods in Darkness
5. Tower of Will
Anonymous 15-11-2016 15:09

1. Birth Of Faith
2. Evil God In Darkness
3. Dragon Watcher
4. Bell Ringing From The City
5. Tower Of Will

Reroll if U have interest and favor too high
zoomiebr 1-11-2020 21:24
Em português

1 - Nascimento da fé
2 - Deuses do mau da escuridão
3 - Observador do dragão
4 - Sinos da Metrópolis
5 - Torre da vontade

paulohrode 25-01-2023 04:37
Worked so well!!!
cheekiyaya 10-01-2024 03:23
requires you to refresh multiple times till you get favor to be above 10. Reset till you get some 10+ 20+ numbers on favours then do the conversations. Could then end up getting 140+ amity per conversation. Dont be greedy tho lol.
Anonymous 12-09-2017 10:10
The combos above and the one b4 that are just too low when it comes to having to fail or too high in favor unfortunately. So i just wave =/
Comment is hidden due to the low rating.
Anonymous 2-11-2017 15:35
Did not wave even once. Spent 106 energy to get 866 amity.

NPCs has wide range of Interest Level and Favor range. So it might be easy to make fails or get high AFL. Just re-roll if NPC conditions are too harsh.
Ainz Ooal Gown 23-10-2023 00:16
This combo worked very well for me, try it if you're seeking help:

- Will of Elion
- Birth Of Faith
- Evil God In Darkness
- Bell Ringing From The Sky
- Road of Repentance
- Tower of Will
vianori 16-07-2024 02:11
Очень похож на Далин, но дает еще меньше очков дружбы за каждый этап, так что лучше просто махать, но если вы в себя верите то попробуйте

Для вызова интереса

1)После смерти
2)Воля Эллиан
3)Рождение Веры
4)Тени злых богов
5)Башня сильной воли
6)Наблюдение за драконами


1)Воля Эллиан
2)Наблюдение за драконами
3)Рождение Веры
4)Тени злых богов
5)Башня сильной воли
6)Звон колоколов

Есть 2 задания в общей сумме на +30 очков дружбы
ARIMOSH 1-01-2025 04:27
Hey Vianori,
You had some great waving advice before so I just reposted it here as well.

OP vianori
Если махать под бафом
1) Зелья крепкой дружбы +30%,
2) Соленой рыбой +5% и
3) костюмом (не шута) +10%,
то вы получите +4 дружбы за 3 энергии

If Waving, do so buffed
1) Improved Elixer of Amity +30%,
2) pickled fish +5% and
3) Calpheon Noble Suit/Dress +15%,
and you will get +4 Amity per 3 energy
{Translator's Opinion ^this is the best method^}
NY_Drifter 7-09-2024 12:56
After Death
Bell Ringing From The Sky
Birth Of Faith
Dragon Watcher
Evil God In Darkness

As was previously stated;
If you get the task of Fails and High Interest/Low Favor, set up for the fails until you think you cover that, then add a few Success/Good Favor like my last three (3) above. Then exit, reset, and look for more favorable conditions. Talk freely is always good for at least one shot.
ARIMOSH 1-01-2025 04:14
Ethnicity l / Ethnicity I / Ethnicity 1

Rhutums (Can be obtained through [Amity]Mayeri)

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