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Level: 57 HP: 271,676 MP: 1 Defense (DP): 471 Evasion: 461 Damage Reduction: 10 XP: 715,928 Karma: 24 Knowledge drop chance: 2.50% |
- Description: Hystria Guard Tower - Description: The edgy-looking Hystria Guard Tower looks like a benign artwork at first. However, once you approach it, it will start exuding black aura. Several archaeologists who discovered this for the first time approached it and disappeared, which gave this tower a nickname "Cursed Ancient Tower." Knowledge: - Hystria Guard Tower |
ID | Title | Level | Region | EXP | Skill EXP | Contribution EXP | Quest Rewards | REWARD_TYPES | SUBTYPE | |
ID | Title | Level | Region | EXP | Skill EXP | Contribution EXP | Quest Rewards | REWARD_TYPES | SUBTYPE | |
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