ID: 21012
Tungrad Ascetic
Level: 66
HP: 9,667
MP: 1
Defense (DP): 467
Evasion: 457
Damage Reduction: 10
XP: 1,486,625
Skill XP: 182,943
Karma: 95

- Description:
Tungrad Ascetic
- Description:
After listening to the final Kuadir, Tuhar, who had finally completed his physical training, abandoned his attachment to the physical body and devoted himself to training his sturdy mental power and intelligence. During this training, the Uluans were called Ishillan, meaning “shining intelligence,” and their practice was said to be very unique and harsh. They waited for the huge sandstorm with the roughest vitality of Ulukita, and recited Tuhar's training from his youth without losing their composure and tranquility.

Because this training was only done in one place, there were Uluans who forfeited the quest and stayed with Tuhar. The reason why they gave up was that they couldn't bear to see their trained bodies become weak and dull due to static training.

However, now possessed by the strange mixture of the Black Spirit's energy and Three Days of Darkness, the voices of those who gave up are used to gather monsters in the ruins.
- Tungrad Ascetic

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