ID: 3743
Supreme Cooking Utensil
KR name: 최상급 요리 도구
icon Installable Object
Weight: 70.00 LT
Warehouse Capacity: 0.30 VT

Bound when obtained
- Personal transaction unavailable
- Description:
A supreme quality tool used when cooking.
- It can be installed in a residence.
- Cooking time decreases by 1 sec

- How to Repair: Press the "Repair" button on the Supreme Cooking Utensil installed in your residence, which will consume Baermalo Hona's Supreme Cooking Repair Tool x1 in your inventory to repair all of its durability.

- Baermalo Hona's Supreme Cooking Repair Tool can be exchanged with the NPCs in the major cities or Velia below for a Supreme Cooking Utensil x1.

- Islin Bartali
- Constante
- Fredelles Herba
- Edman
- Nerasabi Alom
- Luansei
- Maopan
- Elena Kanin
Item Exchange List:
- Supreme Cooking Utensil
- Supreme Cooking Utensil
Buy price: 4,000,000coin
Sell price: 84,000
Repair price: -
Sort by: Rating Date
Spielkind 14-09-2018 13:19
Can be obtained from nodewar medals. x40
FayeAldridge 6-10-2018 01:38
Thank you!

Cheerios ~( ๑ᵕᴗᵕ๑ )//°´*♥
taiavan 1-10-2022 18:32
Наиболее выгодный способ получения через "Кристалл Окситер"
Получение через "Блестящая почетная медаль" - устарело
Rivac 28-04-2023 00:58
Can be obtained from Dark Spirit's Greed. x15

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