BUG REPORT: Papu Artisan Worker

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BUG REPORT: Papu Artisan Worker

Post by Truth » Sat Mar 24, 2018 2:35 pm

Link: Papu Artisan Worker

Description of the problem: I don't think it's possible for it to be "Work Speed: 665" at max level (30). At level 30 they usually end up around 150-160 for Papu. I looked at the other workers and the work speed per level seems off for all of them. Unless it says otherwise in the datamine you do.


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Re: BUG REPORT: Papu Artisan Worker

Post by Kiriak » Sat Mar 24, 2018 3:06 pm

Thanks for your report!

Please note that the stats the worker's pages are shown as the "maximum possible".
For each level the game chooses a value from the set range. And due to the RNG players mostly get the values close to the minimum. That's why you don't see such high values in the game, but at least you can see how close to the maximum your worker got.

However, there was a bug in the formula and after today's fix the values are looking much closer to the game.

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Re: BUG REPORT: Papu Artisan Worker

Post by Truth » Sat Mar 24, 2018 4:45 pm

Thanks for the fix. Keep up the good work!

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