ID: 4560/16
도적 처단
韩服名字: 도적 처단
icon 任務
區域名稱: 梅迪亞
类型: 一般任務
类别: Family quest
等級: 1

icon - 일레즈라의 위협
icon - 세월에 실린 믿음
icon - 살아있는 전설의 약점

开始 NPC:
icon - 핀린
结束 NPC:

- 說明 :
일레즈라의 다섯 반지, 중지 솔을 처단하자. ※ 솔은 일레즈라의 응축된 마력을 온몸에 두르고 있어서 일반적인 방법으로 처치할 수 없습니다. 타리프 마을의 브로룸에게 조언을 구하면, 보다 수월하게 진행할 수 있습니다. ※ 의뢰를 다시 수락하려면, 가방에 그림자 제거 주문서가 없어야 합니다.

完成對象 :
  1. 使用道具:
  2. 除掉怪物 (1):
    icon -


- 바람의 시샤
- 經驗值 (100)
已完成任务: icon -
x <1
排序方式: 评分 日期
Lurien_Dragoria 28-12-2017 15:49
To easy kill Sor go to Brorum and accept quest Weakness of the Living Legend. He will send you to Calpheon so prepare for long journey.
JuesGilobe 12-05-2024 01:14
Para poder completar esta misión, necesitas varios requisitos:
1. Aceptar el encargo con un personaje que haya terminado todas las misiones principales NO ACORTADAS de la temporada.
2. Tener 200 de amistad con el NPC Bipache en Calpheon
3. Conocer al NPC Leona en Calpheon
4. Conocer al Gran Sacerdote Lehard Motenon en Calpheon

Mi recomendación es que tengas dos personajes, uno en Calpheon y otro en Tarif para no tener que ir y venir todo el tiempo.
Una vez has completado los requisitos, acepta la misión Eliminar Bandidos del NPC Finlin en Tarif, al recibir esta misión, obtendrás un pergamino de invocación de jefe, sin embargo, no podrás matar a SOL sin completar la misión Debilidad de la Leyenda viviente

Para aceptar la misión Debilidad de la Leyenda viviente ve a hablar con Brorum, NPC cercano al establo de Tarif, él te enviará a Calpheon a hablar con Leona y luego con el gran sacerdote Lehard Motenon, este último te dará un conocimiento y te enviará nuevamente a Tarif con Brorum para terminar la misión y recibir el item Bala de Purificación el cual deberás equiparte y ahora si ir a matar a Sol con el pergamino de invocación.
Vallaquenta 18-06-2024 08:29
EN Translation:
In order to complete this mission, you need several requirements:
1. Accept the assignment with a character who has completed all NON-SHORTENED main missions of the season.
2. Have 200 friendship with the NPC Bipache in Calpheon
3. Meet the NPC Leona in Calpheon
4. Meet High Priest Lehard Motenon in Calpheon

My recommendation is that you have two characters, one in Calpheon and one in Tarif so you don't have to go back and forth all the time.
Once you have completed the requirements, accept the quest Eliminate Bandits from the NPC Finlin in Tarif, upon receiving this quest you will obtain a boss summon scroll, however, you will not be able to kill SOL without completing the quest Weakness of the Living Legend

To accept the mission Weakness of the Living Legend go talk to Brorum, NPC near the Tarif stable, he will send you to Calpheon to talk to Leona and then to the high priest Lehard Motenon, the latter will give you knowledge and send you again to Tarif with Brorum to finish the mission and receive the item Purification Bullet which you must equip and now go to kill Sol with the summoning scroll.
Vallaquenta 18-06-2024 08:58
Here's my personal 2024 recommendation:
- Accept
- Get 200 amity with Bipache
- Talk to
- Complete
