Does anyone know how to wine and dine whomever we need to speak to? Or which NPC that may be exactly? I was able to get one 'adventurer' in the same inn to say something along the lines of 'you don't expect me to give away that information for free do you?' but there was no other dialogue or ways of interacting with them. Any help would be appreciated.
"Learn the exact location of something" means - you have to get a knowledge on this object.
Search for Castle Ruins gives us Castle Ruins item. And on it's page there is a link to NPC, who gives it for 8 energy points: Ruben.
After that you have to destroy the Prison to finish this quest.
The descriptions of the quests in the game could be misleading, but if you think about game's mechanic it's sometimes easier to figure out, what you have to do.
Anonymous 1-04-2016 21:49
Many thanks. I'll give that a try.
It worked! Finally! Thank you! It was kind of funny, I've leveled up a lot since then so I wasn't even attacked. Wow this one has been bugging me for ages. Thanks again.