ID: 460
闪耀的黄金印章 - [皇室 讨伐]
韩服名字: 빛나는 황금 인장 - [황실 토벌]
icon 普通
负重: 0.00 LT
: 0.30 VT

- 说明:
- 35个兑换: 附魔的屠宰刀
- 35个兑换: 附魔的镐头
- 150个兑换: 疾风硬皮镫
- 200个兑换: 高级贵族马车轮子
- 200个兑换: 黑色精髓 - 哈尔辟亚
- 400个兑换: 黑色精髓 - 黑精灵的水晶
※ 在纱卡图领域塔夫塔尔处可用20个印章兑换'[公会] 纱卡图商团最高级绸缎'.
- 黑色精髓 - 黑精灵的水晶
- 黑色精髓 - 哈尔辟亚
- 高级贵族马车轮
- 坚硬的疾风皮镫子

- [公会] 纱卡图最高级绸缎捆
购买价格: -
贩卖价格: -
修理价格: -
排序方式: 评分 日期
Anonymous 8-07-2016 01:11
How do I get this?
Anonymous 10-08-2016 18:29
1. Buy any trade pack from a trade manager. What it is doesn't matter. Just throw it on your horse.

2. Go look for Red Thief icons on the map. These are the bandits that spawn when you have a trade good on your horse or person and start attacking you. They're around 50-55. They deal pretty decent damage. However they are 100% able to be chained CC forever.

3. Kill said thieves. They died pretty fast when I did this at 173 AP/193 DP. As a melee I found if I stayed on the Archer the melee came to me and died in a nice pile. They drop 0-3 seals and it's RNG drops.

4. Their respawn time isn't bad. By time I had cleared out north Calpheon and was towards Veilia the North Calpheon ones had respawned.
Anonymous 19-08-2016 20:40
Theifs are lvl 50 and they are pretty tough to kill at "medium" gear
I got 92/138 and it take me 20-40seconds to kill one group
Spielkind 12-01-2017 20:25
yes they can eat a lot dmg, but have no cc defense, and make very low dmg, with my trader outfit have I only 1 defense and can they all tank with level 56 happy.gif

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