ID: 50856
Level: 99

HP: 10,000
MP: 1

- Description:
Ornoa is the owner of the Hilltop Tavern, the workplace of the brothers Narangerel and Sarangerel. Although Ornoa is extremely passionate about cooking, his dishes fall well short of expectations, which is why he normally keeps to assisting Narangerel in the kitchen. However, during times of head chef Narangerel's absence, Ornoa takes it upon himself to do the cooking much to the dismay of the villagers in Eilton.

When this happens, the villagers know well to steer clear of the tavern, leaving only unsuspecting Adventurers or outlanders to sample Ornoa's monstrosities. This is when a cacophonous symphony of moaning and groaning spills out from the walls of the tavern.

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