ID: 47029
Level: 99

HP: 10,000
MP: 1
Defense (DP): 10
Evasion: 10
Horoscope: Shield
sympathy Interest Level: 26 ~ 55
sympathy Favor: 17 ~ 60

Beasts (O'dyllita) (0/6)
Theology III (0/6)
O'dyllita Forest (0/6)
- Description:
Akaio, the Kalicha Timber Manager of O'draxxia is supporting Kesharu, the Ahib Furniture Dealer.

Trees became scarce in O'draxxia due to Thornwood Forest teeming with Fallen Ones, and the Kalicha Merchant Guild came to supply the shortage. The Kalicha had Akaio, a native of Trent village, assist Kesharu, who took a liking to him at once for his diligent nature. Although an Ahib and a stranger, Akaio admired Kesharu's craftsmanship for her furniture. Yet recently, something seems to be bothering Kesharu as she has been piling on heavier workloads onto the slaves. Managing twice as much wood than usual, Akaio blames himself, thinking he has offended Kesharu unknowingly.
Gives knowledge on discovery:
- Akaio
- Viorencia Odore: Amity 1
Finished quest Task 3: Last Gift

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