ID: 22243
Snowfield Black Yak
Level: 61

HP: 1
MP: 1

- Description:
Snowfield Black Yak
- Description:
A newborn Snowfield Yak has pure white fur at birth. However, as it gets older, more of their hair turns black. Outsiders who saw this yak for the first time often thought the Snowfield Yak and the Snowfield Black Yak were different species, so the older Snowfield Yak began to be called the Black Snowfield Yak. That is why it's said, 'The Snowfield Yak grows for a lifetime,' and there's a groundless rumor that anyone who eats the meat of a Snowfield Yak grows taller.
- Snowfield Black Yak
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AntonFox 30-04-2022 09:00
По дороге из Рудника Шарехана к Лагерю Балакса (вверх и вправо по карте) до перекрестка слева среди деревьев стадо яков - есть просто снежные и есть черные снежные. Дичь! Убивается с ружья!
Выглядит как простой снежный як с накинутой на спину черной квадратной шкурой.
EmBalmer 24-05-2023 16:40
Translated: On the road from the Sharekhan Mine to the Camp Balacs (up and to the right on the map) to the intersection on the left among the trees there is a herd of yaks - there are just snow ones and there are black snow ones. Game! Killed with a gun!
It looks like a simple snow yak with a black square skin draped over its back.

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