ID: 50775
Lante Gigor
Level: 99

HP: 10,000
MP: 1
Defense (DP): 2
Evasion: 1
Damage Reduction: 1
Horoscope: Owl Treant
sympathy Interest Level: 37 ~ 39
sympathy Favor: 25 ~ 30
Node Manager Brellin Farm

Theology I (0/4)
Node Managers (Star's End) (0/4)
History I (0/4)
- Description:
Lante Gigor, the Chief of Brellin Farm, is a man of many secrets. Him and the other villagers who survived when the Blackstar hit climbed the northern hill and built a farm. When the Ashen Plague took the lives of most of the survivors, he worked with the Elionian Priests to look for a cure and saved many people. It was then that he became the central figure of the farm. He is a bridge that connects to the Elionian Priests and Calpheon Outpost, and is in charge of rituals and prayers for their ancestral deities.
Gives knowledge on discovery:
- Lante Gigor

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