ID: 9581
에페리아 선원 재계약서 : 숙련 뱃사공
영어 이름: Epheria Contract Renewal: Skilled Boatman
icon 일반
무 게: 0.10 LT
적재량: 0.30 VT

획득 시 귀속
- 개인 거래 불가
- 설명 :
티롤에게 친밀도 50으로 구매할 수 있는 에페리아 숙련 뱃사공과 호위함 숙련 뱃사공의 계약 기간을 갱신하는 문서. 일꾼 관리인의 직인이 찍혀 있다. 재계약서 사용 시 늘어나는 시간은 24시간이며 뱃사공 계약서는 최대 7일까지 연장 가능하다. 단, 티롤과의 친밀도가 501이상이어야 구매할 수 있다.

- 사용법 : {TextBind:USE_CLICK_RMB}
가격을 구입: 150,000coin
판매 가격: 75,000
수리비: -
정렬 기준: 평가 데이트
Anonymous 7-03-2017 03:47
Only renews 1 day per contract requiring multiple purchases to top up. Each purchase costs 150K silver and also some amity which means redoing amity game also to retain 500 amity or higher.

Despite initially having a weeks charge, after this runs out you can only top up a max of one contract or 24 hours at a time and can't stack recharges.
Anonymous 29-03-2017 00:37
Getting Amity with this NPC seems pretty easy but it's annoying that those contracts don't stack. Whether it's good or bad that it renews the contract for 1 day only is up to the user. Sure i would've preferred it to renew the contract for another week for 150k silver only but a daily contract enables you to renew it whenever you're actually gonna need it and this way won't be wasting any money so it's better than paying more than 150k for a weekly contract.
Anonymous 11-05-2017 21:24
A bit of additional info - costs approx 50 amity on each buyout (on RU server), in addition to an 150k of silver coins for each buyout. Amity game is pretty easy for this guy - on 3 tries you will get approx 1500 amity - wearing Calpheon Noble Dress (or equal - with amity bonus), Delphe Knights Costume and under effect of Improved Elixir of Amity

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