ID: 50116
Registration: Miniature Elephant
KR name: 등록증 : 달구 코끼리
icon License
Berat: 0.01 LT
Weight limit: 830.00 LT
Jumlah Muatan: 0.30 VT
Durability: 19,000
Lifespan: 19,001

Terikat saat didapatkan
- Transaksi Pribadi Tidak Tersedia
- Penjelasan:
Bukti Kepemilikan di Kandang Kuda.

※ Menggunakan Elephant Emblem:
1. RMB Elephant Emblem lalu pindahkan ke Kandang Kuda yang diinginkan.
2. Temui Penjaga Kandang Kuda lalu pilih menu Kandang Kuda.
3. Klik Menu Register Emblem lalu RMB pada Register Emblem.
4. Masukkan nama Gajah lalu pilih Konfirmasi untuk mendaftarkan Gajah.
5. Pilih Gajah yang terdaftar lalu klik tombol Ambil.
Summons NPC:
- Miniature Elephant
- Miniature Elephant
Buy price: 100,000coin
Sell price: -
Repair price: -
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Spielkind 30-05-2017 13:20
If your Elephant get bad skills, you can go again to Shakatu, you have to di it with the same Char, you just need 20Million gold and no Villa registration.
And you also need 10 Contrubution Points for a large garden.
Check his Quests:
If you go to him, get all seals from all Quests, it will be RNG which quest you get.

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Added by Spielkind (30-05-2017)