ID: 47469
Level: 99

HP: 10,000
MP: 1
Horoscope: Camel
sympathy Interest Level: 12 ~ 65
sympathy Favor: 13 ~ 58

People of Asparkan Fort (0/4)
People of Ulukita Wilds (0/4)
Southern Ulukita (0/4)
- Description:
Rifat, originally a refugee from Muzgar, seized every opportunity to connect with the merchant guild, eventually earning himself a position as an armor vendor.

His reason for fleeing was a string of failed businesses, but with Muzgar becoming a new venture for the merchant guilds, his dormant greed for wealth is slowly reawakening. His role as an armor vendor is due to the fact that the mercenaries and guards of Muzgar are largely uninvolved in combat. The brunt of the battles are handled by the Sezec Mercenary Camp.

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