ID: 21526
Level: 60
HP: 76,000
MP: 1
Defense (DP): 959
Evasion: 667
Damage Reduction: 292
XP: 11,001,027
Skill XP: 182,943
Karma: 38
Knowledge drop chance: 2.50%

- Description:
- Description:
When the Manshaum hunt this bird, they call out "Ferrica! Ferrica!" and thus it was named. As a species, it is called Ferri, and the males of the species are called Ferrica. Compared to the female Ferrina, the Ferrica are bigger and lusciously feathered.

The Ferrica are known for their wooing dance during the mating season. They competitively showcase the height of their beauty with beautiful wings and long tails. Their soft golden quill is one of the most exquisite materials that can be put on noblemen and women's hats.

Due to their fierce nature, they are hard to domesticate. However, the Ganelle have managed to build a rapport with them and use them as mounts instead of horses.
- Ferrica

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