BUG REPORT: Blackstar Amulet

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BUG REPORT: Blackstar Amulet

Post by geegee » Fri Jul 14, 2023 4:10 am

Link: Blackstar Amulet

Description of the problem:
For black stars weapons (mainhand and awakening), it says `Enhancement chance: 90.0000%` at enhancement: 7/20. This figure is wrong. it is more around 70.x% and some extra decimals.

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Re: BUG REPORT: Blackstar Amulet

Post by Kiriak » Fri Jul 14, 2023 6:55 pm

I've double checked the data and the chance seems correct. Maybe some modifier is applied to them for red grade weapons though. Do you have any screenshots with real chances?

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Re: BUG REPORT: Blackstar Amulet

Post by geegee » Fri Jul 14, 2023 11:41 pm

Unfortunately I didn't have the foresight to take screenshots since the data seemed so minimal. All I can provide is my word for now until someone can support this claim. Here is what I saw:

Code: Select all

fs      % show in game
1       71.80
2       73.60
The above is only for a +7 (going to +8) Blackstar Amulet item AND I also tested it on a Blackstar Scythe at +7. I Checked all other enhancement levels other than +7 (from base to TET) and the math did checkout and align with the basevalues given in the bdocodex website, for some reason the math doesn't add up with those two failstack entries I provided and probably all the way up to the hardcap (90%); It is probably also safe to assume that this mismatch extends to all other Blackstar weapons for the other classes as well.

The reason I noticed the discrepancy is because I use these basevalues on my own spreadsheet to calculate chance for any failstack. I noticed all my base values produced the expected chance except for +7 enhancing, that's where I noticed that my failstack of 1 was different from the expected 90%, and so was the case with 2 failstacks. I then loaded up bdocodex to check if I had entered a wrong base value for a +0 fs for +7 gear, and BDO codex also showed this discrepancy with what BDO shows.

But the most confusing part is the second failstack, because it doesnt seem to align with the mathematical formula of generating failstacks; Here's what I mean:

If 71.80% is the chance to enhance a +7 blackstar weapon at 1 failstack, then the base (+0) failstack should be something like 70.3900% to produce that +1 failstack. But if that is the case then that means that a +2 failstack should give a 73.21%, but instead BDO shows 73.60%. Which can only mean that BDO is using a different math formula to calculate the % chance only for +7. I was so puzzled by this, I tried changing the softcap to 90% but that made things worse. My guess right now, perhaps there is a bug or glitch in the code handling the +7 blackstar weapon enhancement formula.

Hopefully others can show screenshots confirming this discrepancy, my theory is it affects any blackstar weapon (mainhand or awakening) at +7 (going to +8) enhancement and for any class.

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Re: BUG REPORT: Blackstar Amulet

Post by Kiriak » Sat Jul 15, 2023 7:31 pm

Thanks for the detailed explanation. I too think, they are using some special formula for Blackstar gear, which not only modifies the base chance, but affects the calculation of the failstacks as well.

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