ID: 820311
Perilla Seed
KR name: 들깨 씨앗
icon Installable Object
Weight: 0.01 LT
Warehouse Capacity: 0.10 VT

Bound when obtained
- Personal transaction unavailable
- Description:
The seed of Perilla, a Cooking ingredient which can be grown by Farming. You can begin Farming after using a Fence to create a garden. It takes up 1 grid in a garden.
- How to Obtain: Gathered from Perilla in the Land of the Morning Light using bare hands or a hoe.
(Press RMB to display the closest Fence Rental location)
Perilla Seeds can be cultivated to grow perilla, which can be used for Cooking, Processing, and Alchemy. These seeds can be cultivated in a garden.
- Perilla Seed
- Perilla Seed

In-game market price:
NA: 1,810In Stock: 3,310
EU: 1,810In Stock: 3,035
NA Console: 3,450In Stock: 2
EU Console: 3,450In Stock: 280

Buy price: 4,480coin
Sell price: 314
Repair price: -

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