to get this knowledge, you need 100 Amity with Nasrin and you don't need to do amity game with her. just do her quest and i think at least you need Gathering or Cooking profesionnal 10 to trigger the quest because it involve gathering. for the last quest, click food beside her and choose the lowest choice and cost you some energy
Anonymous 19-11-2017 07:10
1000 Amity with Nasrin at Ibellab Oasis.
Conversation with her uses the Gahaz Bandits knowledge.
Have to jump to the table, it took me around 25 minutes to discover this. FeelsBadMan.
Maybe you have to do her quest lines to claim this knowledge. I did.
Can Confirm. You don't need to do the 1000Amity Just do all of her Quests(4 of them) and you will get the knowledge by talking to her in the end, the knowledge costs 30 Energy