You start by finding Dolve east of Central Guard Camp. Then you get a mission where you should guide him back to Freharau in Glish. When that is done you will have the optione to pay 3 energy to get Great Alchemists: Gorgath knowledge.
Had real issues getting this knowledge since it was the last knowledge i needed to get the full alchemy category.
Freharau did not give me this knowledge at first no matter what amity i got. Then i did this quest: and after that i was able to get the knowledge.
Perhaps im the only one that experienced the issue with that knowledge but if not im glad to help
Anonymous 7-06-2017 07:34
Yes! Pretty much I completed the full category for Freharu's amnity, then Kanna's amnity. Did not see it on my low level alt, but on my high level main, I saw Dolve's repeatable quest!
Okay,went and did that quest at the farm, NOTE: it takes 30 Amity with Carlo DeRose to get the quest. Waited until 10pm and killed the 2 Wicked Cultists and completed the quest. Went back to Freharau in Glish, and for 3 Energy he has "About Fantasy", and THAT triggers the Great Alchemists: Gorgath" knowledge in your log.
1. You have to located Dolve who is walking around here:
2. Bring Dolve to Alchemist Freharu who is located in Glish, and accept the quest from him:
3. This quest going to lead you to Carlo DeRose. once you finish it, you should get 30+ Amity for the next quest:
4. Once you've completed the quest, return to Alchemist Freharu and you should be able to obtain the knowledge:
Bilgiyi alabilmek için Carlo DeRose'da ki "Kötü Tarikatçı" görevini tamamla. Görev öğeleri geceleri ortaya çıkıyor.
Daha sonra Freharau'dan bilgiyi edinebilirsiniz.
Dolve is along the road between central guard camp and gilsh ruins. Found him here.
Anonymous 15-06-2016 23:40
You need to unlock a quest from Kanna first with 50 amity to be able to unlock this knowledge.
Anonymous 5-10-2017 07:10
It seems like it requires all these quests to be done, on the same day and requires a higher level for Wicked Cultist and Dolve.
Kanna to meet Fehrarau, Fehrarau to go to Carlo, Carlo DeRose (Wicked Cultist), Dolve, then back to Freharau.
Rather a pain in the ass, as I had already done the Wicked Cultist on a character that was all the way out in Alti.
I did that quest, and I still can't get the knowledge. I have 700ish amity with him, having cleared out his other knowledge options. Any clue what else might be missing as a prereq?
If he asks for an insane amount of Accumulated Favor try this rng combination:
PS. Don't forget to bring atleast 3 XL Energy pots with you for this one
Anonymous 19-09-2016 01:24
Still not working. Got 310 Amity with Freharau, 15 Amity with Kanna, done both their quest lines completely. Got the knowledge from all of the people in the church, and everyone in town that I could find. Have done the Dolve escort quest twice now, and the only knowledge Freharau has is the First Awakening, for 25 energy points. Taken that 3 times now, for a waste of 75 energy. My Alchemy level is Apprentice 9, I'm level 56, and just trying to complete knowledge quests and entries. Any other stats/ pre-reqs/ triggers we may be missing to make this appear?
EDIT: Got him to 604 Amity today, and you can get "Torn Alchemy Journal" at 600, for 10 Energy points. STILL does not give an option after that for the "Great Alchemists: Gorgath"