I got lots of problems with this, cuz i didnt do a lot of quests, so:
First of all you need to finish the sequence of "The Calpheon Bell", this way you can talk with "Treasure Hunter Trin" and starts the sequence line "Check the Antique", finishing this quest you can run to the library and talk with the bookshelf called "Consideration of Ancient Chemicals"
I hope this helps you guys
Anonymous 9-09-2017 22:14
This was what I needed. Thanks. The library book.
Anonymous 4-10-2017 01:37
"The Calpheon Bell" how do you unlock this quest...which is required to unlock "Treasure Hunter Trin"..
You will find treasure hunter Trin on the left side of the "bridge" (the main road in front of the tavern where you can look down on other houses) where all the tables are placed at the bridge.
First, go to the adventurer in front of Fredelles Herba (Tavern Owner). Get the quest named "The Calpheon Bell" (Single quest)
Upon completion, go to Derek - he is sitting opposite the adventurer across the road. Get the quest "For What Does the Bell Toll?". You'll get another quest "Crisis in Kalis" from the next NPC. Upon completion you'll get a knowledge "Crisis in Kalis".
Go back to the where Derek was. Two tables behind him is Treasure Hunter Trin. Get the quest "Check the Antique".
Path to Geranoa (Material Vendor) and behind his shop to the left, there is a "suspicious antique". Interact with it. '
The remaining quest is just running around for the most part.
Here is the quest chain so far:
1. Check the Antique
2. Informant Contact
3. Running an Errand
4. Give the Password
5. Search Elina Leight's Office
Upon finishing #4, you'll be required to search Elina's office when you accepted the quest "Search Elina Leight's Office". It is the drawer in front of the corner left bookshelf.
Upon completion of #5, you'll get next quest "The Way to the Drug". Quest item is located in a storage box left of the NPC Storage Keeper.
For the final quest in the chain, "Big Success in the Big City", path to that location, stay on the main street. You'll find a workshop with 3 workers inside (workshop staff paul, etc), beside it, there's a flight of stairs. Go up and you'll find the quest marked item "Workshop Trade Secret Chest".
Upon completing the entire quest chain, go to the library (autopath to Annolisa Rosie). The book that gives knowledge "Consideration of Ancient Chemicals" is located at the foot of the staircase with a lady standing next to it.
Anonymous 25-03-2016 15:44
btw for anyone wondering where the quest starts, i didn't find anything, but it starts somewhere in the slums if im correct. a guy at a balcony inside a room.
it's a questchain, which leads to the quest required to get the knowledge in the end.
Anyone else know how to get this? Did the listed quest and didn't get the knowledge.
Anonymous 24-03-2016 15:05
After completing the quest, go to the library in Calpheon. You are looking for a bookcase called "Consideration of Ancient Chemicals", found in the middle of the library at the foot of the stairs. You'll be able to choose an option to 'talk' with the bookcase, which unlocks the knowledge.
Anonymous 18-06-2016 01:25
I remember i completed the quest + went to the bookcase and collected Consideration of Ancient Chemicals but still did not receive the knowledge... i dont know what to do next ...