Knowledge can be obtained by interacting with the "Hasrah Ancient Device" that is located in front of the big circular device at the east wall of room 15 inside Hasrah Ancient Ruins ( ).
When it is active you will be able to see the inner part glowing and hear it working (even on Lowest/Optimal settings).
After a report from user Lisec it is now believed the device will become active on its own shortly after maintenance.
Что-бы получить знание нужно повзаимодействовать с древним устройством Хаас в одной из комнат Древние руины Хаас.
Оно активируется на определённых каналах после технических работ через час или меньше(мб больше), на 120 минут. Оно светится желтым и молнии летают пропустить трудно.
В остальных случаях оно не активно и взаимодействовать с ним нельзя.
After maintenance, spent 30+ minutes jumping between Med1, Med2, and Med3 without success.
Jumped to Kama 2 about the 39th minute mark, and there it was all glowing.
So is it confirmed this is triggered by the amount of people by it? Playing on console and there is no activation. Is there a precursor to this that is needed to get done?
I had to switch servers a few times but I confirm that the light was active after maintenance and the option to interact with the "Hasrah Ancient Device" popped up and I managed to get it on K1.
It activated for me exactly 58 minutes after maintenance on EU/Kama2. After I took it I stood there for another hour and it was still on. I don't know for how long it will keep being on, but I think 1h should be enough for many to get it if they know it exists .
Bom realmente, foi ativado depois da manutenção as 8:00 em servidor SA no dia 25/10/2023, loguei no jogo fui direto no canal kamasylvia 2, não estava ativado quando terminou de carregar as 8:00 mas esperei e depois de 17 minutos ficou ativo, como vc pode ver nessa imagem, Ativado as 8:17 em servidor SA
I was jumping through Kama 1-6 then finally got it on Calpheon 2, 43 minutes after maintenance. I guess it's just rng between servers so just switch (after maintenance) as long as you get it eventually
Connecté devant 20 minutes après la maintenance sur valencia4, la roue tourne mais rien d'allumé. Passage sur Kama2, ça marche
Connected 20 minutes after maintenance on valencia4, wheel was spinning but no light. Switched on Kama2 and light was activated