My recommendation: He is a waver, its cheaper to wave him, tried 4 times and didnt get a single smileface
Anonymous 19-10-2017 11:49
that's true. I kinda wasted 110 energy on 19th October (after kama part1 hit EU, the servers i'm playing on) adn the best i could get out of it is 81 Amity.
It COULD be useful to increase the energy of Tarif to get better in the amity game, many mains NPC of tarif have plenty of knowledge
Anonymous 11-06-2016 01:52
My recommendation: Devisha, Joaquin Mars, Tantu, Ain Greid, Barattan Lancer. Go for 2 in a row MAX. If your first roll gives you plenty of amity don't risk a 2nd.
Used : Aseh, Devisha, Sanahan, Jamo Hasa, Barratan Lancer
Had to reload the conversation just to get ~70% on the first two, to make it work like a charm.
He has quite high spread of interest level, so when it's high it's hard to get good result and I had been finishing after the first round. When the interes level was lower I used the following order and played 2 or 3 rounds: