ID: 21729
等級: 63
生命力: 556,982
精神力: 1
防禦力: 623
迴避傾向: 473
傷害減少: 150
XP: 22,299,381
Skill XP: 274,414
傾向: 100

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WaifuJanna 8-09-2020 14:20
They changed Kvariak Months ago (2019) . The Mob is no longer a Random Elite/Gatekeeper it now Spawns like "Garmoth" in that zone. if you kill Tshira Ruin monsters she can spawn in the North side of Tshira Ruins.
Tsoth 22-04-2023 22:20
He seems to drop the knowledge easy, he dropped it first kill, but at B unfortunately and I want all mobs at S so I guess I'll have to keep doing it. I'd read somewhere his spawn rate is about once per 75 mins of grind and mine spawned at exactly that so that seems accurate... Be great if they could cut it to 45 mins or something.

Edit: well let me amend what I said, this was yesterday... Today I was in the zone killing mobs absolutely alone for 3 hours and it never spawned... Great, so either it spawns according to a system I don't get or it's absolutely RNG. Frustrating as hell in any case. Garmoth spawned three times in that time... Would be great if they made kvariak as frequent. Though if you ask me, the only system that would make sense would be to have a kvariak summon scroll that can be dropped from mobs at a low drop rate. Say one every hour. This way there could never be cases where someone else spawned it.

Second edit: Be aware, it's possible for him to spawn without you ever getting the message that he did. I was doing tshira again, alone, to spawn him and i was at about an hour when a message said he had disappeared into the woods which is the message you get when he despawns. I never got any message that he had spawned at all (I couldn't have missed it that's all I'm focused on) so I missed him. Very frustrating. I guess from now on I'll have to check the zone where he spawns every four minutes of grind or so to make sure....
Dranae 4-01-2024 00:11
Hi, can you confirm that the Kvariak that spanws grinding, with the yellow message, gives the knowledge when you kill it? I've killed it like 20 times with the maximum knowledge buffs (more than 230% ) and nothing sad.gif . Its the last enemy I need to get.
Tsoth 5-01-2024 00:19
Yes he does, I got the knowledge twice because after i got him at B above I figured since it SEEMED like you could get the knowledge easy (turns out that's mot true, as you know, and that I was lucky the first time...), that i'd lose the knowledge (with the character in Calpheon) and try for S knowledge on "fresh" knowledge drop (since it's easier to get knowledge on a mob when you don't have it than to raise the knowledge level with subsequent kills). Turns out it was a bad idea but I got the knowledge again recently... at C. I was on my fourteenth Kvariak kill overall. So I got the knowledge on first ever kill, and now on fourteenth kill. Keep plugging away at it, if you only want the knowledge at any level (and not at S like me) you're probably close to getting it after 20 kills.

It's really stupid how they designed this mob though. I complained on the official bdo forums before, suggested they either increase the spawn rate or just do like the gatekeepers in Valencia where they're always there but it just takes a while to kill them. Less frustrating.
Aerisyth 5-02-2024 07:22
56 kills with rare knowledge boosts like Pi day and other random buffs I keep in storage, +furniture buffs, never once got the knowledge. I've left a character there to get this because I too am running out of knowledge to obtain with over 10900 ecology and it is NOT easy to obtain.
Tsoth 5-02-2024 07:58
56 kills and no knowledge drop at all seems highly unlucky though.

You probably have a decent amount of mobs left to kill for knowledge points though, I'm at 11 185 points and i don't have any of the Ulukita mobs, Loml bosses and Lekrashan knowledges. Other than that I have two bosses other than Garmoth I still need to get to S, plus all gatekeepers, Kvariak and of course the mutant ogre and troll which like Garmoth I'm never getting to S
Aerisyth 5-02-2024 08:19
Not really, I keep it all tracked on a google sheet. ALl 4 Gatekeepers, Kvariak, City of the Dead mobs, Tungrad Ruins mobs, Yzrahid mobs, the 4 Elvia bosses, 6 Bosses under the bosses category, all of the rare hunting mobs, Lekrashan and Margoria pirate fleet. What I am missing the most of is Attoraxian knowledge because I have no one to do that with. I got Mutant Ogre S, and Mutant Ogre A but I don't count what is unobtainable as a goal.
Tsoth 19-04-2024 07:23
Just saw your reply months late, you can get the Atoraxxion knowledges by doing the solo version of the dungeons. It's how I got them to S. It's horribly long though. Well i mean, i don't know, it's not kvariak either but... I don't know how many hours i was in there but a damn lot for sure. As I remember it, a couple of monsters you can I think only get the knowledge of doing the group version but they're regular mobs that are soloable. Either way, I got them all without ever grouping so... Perhaps the most annoying was one of the level end boss, you can skip straight to it once you'ce done the level before but it's still a lot of time wasted between each kills.
zika74 1-05-2023 13:29
I killed this mob myself, I don't know how many times, but he never gave me any knowledge and he is the only mob or boss in the whole game where I have no knowledge about him, frustrating
Tsoth 2-05-2023 21:12
Ok so I guess I was lucky that he dropped it first time for me... thing is, I deleted it since because I only care about S knowledge and I figure with a rare mob like that you have a better chance of getting an S on "fresh" knowledge gain than trying to raise it to S once you have it.
ChampionJason 12-02-2020 05:20
Ok has anybody actually seen this mob yet and can confirm it´s existence? I´ve been so many times where it should be. Never found it
newtling 16-02-2020 05:49
Look for a gold beam in the area, he spawns on that beam.
Metalharpey 19-03-2021 19:08
Can't find this mob for the life of me... I keep getting notifications during grind that it spawned in the "thick forest".
Whatever that is. I ran all over the place with my pepega and I couldn't find it anywhere! Is it bugged?
Wuwu 13-04-2021 00:54
Вызывается скрытым предметом Отравленный коготь(ID44750), падающем с монстров вокруг узла Руины Тширы
Дроп лист: unknown.png
endlesstilt 20-11-2022 08:51
There he is, looks like a small Katzwariak
TVorace 21-07-2023 02:49
Lorsque le message apparaît (aléatoirement, après un plus ou moins long farm de la zone) Kvariak est censé apparaître au point marqué ID:210 sur la carte, dans ce petit étang avec le champignon
Time Out 29-12-2024 04:58
Para esse mini boss aparecer tem que ficar grindando em Tshira até aparecer a frase:
"A energia de Kvariak foi detectada, Com o passar do Tempo, o vestigio Será escondido e desaparecera."

Prints anexadas a esse boss.
BlackDragonZero 13-10-2024 07:51

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