I've been trying different methods for hours but this was the only thing that worked. Apparently my char lvl. was too high and someone suggested to use a horse to aggro the Aura thingy. Just stay anywhere in the shrine and let it aggro to your horse, I'm not really sure if you have to kill it or if it will self-destruct. I just held down chain lightning on witch, got it in 10 minutes https://imgur.com/OZN1NvM
Exactly this. Parked the horse on top of the brazier in the picture. It also has collision so after you dismount you can face it and spam skills without worrying about moving out of place. The Auras suicide on you in an AOE so you still get credit. Took between 5-7 minutes.
Моб представляет собой маленькую тучку именную, спавнится рядом с трупом Кзарки.
Лучше всего привести туда лошадь и спамить атаку, тучка умирает быстро, а атакует лошадь всего пару раз и пропадает(