ID: 9633
Karlstein's appearance in Calpheon
icon Knowledge
Category: Calpheon City Adventure Log II

- Description:
The recent stories that recently have been spreading around Calpheon are apparently referring to a different person.
Some said that they spotted a female Karlstein, others mentioned that the Karlstein was a man. Man or women, he or she showed to have good intentions towards the poor people and also seemed to have mesmerized the high-rank officials in town.
Can be obtained through [Collecting Item and Completing Quest]
If you have obtained an Intricately Patterned Mystical Shard, why don't you visit Rubin the Herald in Calpheon?
Obtained from:
icon - A Hero's Duplicity
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valkrist 25-11-2019 14:34
Para adquirir esse conhecimento, você precisa de um Fragmento do Padrão Misterioso que dropa de qualquer monstro (aparentemente). Eu consegui o meu na Mina de Ferro Abandonada, fazendo outro conhecimento. Acho que o drop é meio ruim e não sei se dá pra conseguir de outros métodos.
Depois de adquirir o fragmento, vá até Rubin, em Calpheon e faça a sequência de quest "O herói da História apareceu em Calpheon? I". Fazendo isso você conseguirá os conhecimentos:
Símbolo de Karlstein
[url=">Betor, Karlstein
Karlstein em Calpheon
Karlstein das Histórias.
Vallaquenta 2-06-2024 17:10

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