ID: 3568
Erebjork's Emissary
icon Knowledge
Category: Everfrost Adventure Log I

- Description:
This is a wolf that roams with Erebjork through the Mountain of Eternal Winter. It looks similar to a normal wolf, but they say that those who face its ice-cold eyes and claws will tremble in fear for the rest of their lives. Occasionally, its howl resounds from the Mountain of Eternal Winter, echoing like the fierce breathing of a sleeping dragon. Adventurers who pass through the Mountain of Eternal Winter for the first time may fall into great confusion when they hear the wolf's cry and mistake it for a new dragon.
Erebjork's Emissary
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carnosi 4-06-2022 11:47
This knowledge can be obtained from Oxinxin chieftain Floki after you acquire the knowledge on Erebok.
Ereboka is an elite monster that occasionally spawns in the Jade Star Forest. (GL during your Flame farm)
Carlosrspaint 17-11-2022 07:24
Do lado do mini mapa, digite o nome Flokky. Vai dar a localização do NPC que dá o conhecimento de Erebok.
BilgeTonyukuk 14-04-2022 00:10
Herhangi birisi bu bilgiyi alabildi mi?

Edit: Ekloji - Boss halkasında yer alan Erebjork bilgisi elde edildikten sonra NPC Floki'den sohbet aracılığıyla alınabilir. Erebjork; Yeşim Yıldız Işığı Ormanı ve Kış Ağacı Fosili bölgelerinde rastgele yaratık keserken ortaya çıkabilir. Alan boss'u ve kişisel boss olmak üzere iki türü vardır.
太帅招人恨 24-10-2024 17:01

艾雷伯克和他的信使【一隻狼】 總是一起出現,並且在化石樹周邊,隨機刷新。671a51ea24f91.png
Log505 30-04-2022 19:46
1. Сердолик Мурровак

2. Припасы мровиков (Murrowak Food Storage)

3. Башня с кладкой мровиков (Murrowak Spawning Tower)

4. Гриб-паразит мровиков (Murrowak Parasitic Mushroom)

Чтобы получить первые 4 знания, вы должны отправиться на рыбалку.
В место, которое вам известно по основной цепочке заданий «[Горы вечной зимы] В поисках священного пламени».
Ловите около лисицы, Записи об экспериментах Марни – 4 штуки.
cheekiyaya 1-06-2024 21:54
Google Translate :

1. Carnelian Murrovak

2. Murrowak Food Storage

3. Murrowak Spawning Tower

4. Murrowak Parasitic Mushroom

To get the first 4 knowledge, you must go fishing.
To a place that you know from the main quest chain “[Mountains of Eternal Winter] In Search of the Sacred Flame.”
Catch near the fox, Notes on Marnie's experiments - 4 pieces.

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